Redefining Wasted Time

That failed relationship that taught you personal boundaries, that partnership endeavor that didn’t pan out but taught you collaboration and adaptability—all of this supposed “wasted time” has lessons to be uncovered.

How often have you looked back on all the time you’ve spent at a past job, or dedicating time to a relationship that went south, or building partnerships that didn’t pan out—and categorize it as “wasted time”? I want to challenge you to consider this: Everything in your past that feels like wasted time has prepared you for something bigger. That failed relationship that taught you personal boundaries, that partnership endeavor that didn’t pan out but taught you collaboration and adaptability—all of this supposed “wasted time” has lessons to be uncovered. And you are actively using those lessons to get to your next step. Sometimes all we need is a little reframe.


The Four Agreements in Leadership