The Benefits of (Tor)mentorship
“You know the ones- the people who just consistently make it harder for you, that consistently rub you the wrong way, that consistently present a challenge. It’s amazing how much you can learn about yourself but interacting with these people.”
Most of us are aware that in a mentorship setting, there’s typically a mentor, or someone who is teaching/coaching or guiding and a mentee, someone who is absorbing, learning, and exploring. But I want to let you in on a subset of mentors that don’t get enough credit. The TORmentors. You know the ones- the people who just consistently make it harder for you, that consistently rub you the wrong way, that consistently present a challenge. It’s amazing how much you can learn about yourself but interacting with these people. So next time you role your eyes and dread an interaction, ask yourself what you can learn from it and what it’s showing you about yourself if you approach it with curiosity. Maybe your Tor mentors will end up being the ones you credit for your growth the most.